Lạng Sơn City is a northern Vietnamese city located in the eastern part of Lạng Sơn Province, 19.5 kilometers from the border with Guangxi, China. The city is known for its bauxite mining industry and famous for its anise production. It serves as a transportation hub with a railway connection to China. Lạng Sơn City faces Guangxi, China and is situated 18 kilometers north of the Vietnam-China border and 130 kilometers south of the capital city of Hanoi. To the north of Lạng Sơn lies the mountainous and forested terrain of northern Vietnam, while to the south is the North Vietnamese delta with its crisscrossing rice fields and dense river network. Roads and railways traverse Lạng Sơn, connecting the north to the Vietnam-China border and the south to Hanoi directly. Therefore, Lạng Sơn serves not only as a transportation hub for northern Vietnam but also as a strategic gateway to the capital city of Hanoi. The city is surrounded by mountain ranges like Mẫu Sơn and Bắc Sơn, as well as a series of highlands, making the terrain extremely rugged. The city itself is divided into two parts by the Kiến Quỳnh River that runs through it.
Liangshan – Vietnam Liangshan Travel Guide
Lạng Sơn City is a northern Vietnamese city located in the eastern part of Lạng Sơn Province, 19.5 kilometers from the border with Guangxi, China. The city is known for its bauxite mining industry and famous for its anise production. It serves as a transportation hub with a railway connection to China. Lạng Sơn City faces Guangxi, China and is situated 18 kilometers north of the Vietnam-China border and 130 kilometers south of the capital city of Hanoi. To the north of Lạng Sơn lies the mountainous and forested terrain…